the PAST
Carved Etched & Cored Stone
 Reclaimed Curb Bridge & Barnstone
Reclaimed Stone Installations
Reclaimed Stone Salvage Sites
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the-STONE-SALVAGE-Company-Recovering-the-PASTUPRR-Constructing-permanent-bridge-at-Green-River.-Masons-laying-stone-for-bridge-piers.- Derrick-on-flat-car
The idea for our company was born over 15 yrs ago. We needed some decorative stone for a landscaping project. What we ended up with is what you see behind us here - a pile of foundation stone from a demolished carriage house. We had never noticed this material before.

In the years that followed, it became apparent that most contractors are not interested in handling it in a way that preserves the workmanship and character these stones possess. So we decided to get our own equipment, to make a business out of salvaging it.

When a structure has served it's useful life and in the way, or somebody would just prefer something newer or different, what ever the reason, we hope we will get the chance to salvage it. We will try to find someone who appreciates it, can afford it, and has a use for it. ...OR.. we are always finding more unique ways to re-claim it and re-use it ourselves.

COPYRIGHT © 2014 - the STONE SALVAGE Company